Tuesday, September 30, 2014

music location sheet

Project Name: Music Video

Completed by:

Scout Date & Time: 9/29/14 5:00 p.m.

Location address: Joe's address and Justin's address

Day and time of shoot: After noon.

Location description (interior/ exterior): A large plot of land with many trees surrounding the border. Has 2 sheds and 1 barn. One of the trees has a large amount of wood surrounding it. it has i medium sized garden that is half empty. A two car garage  a big window to the living room. with a big porch that has a flower garden on ether side. It has a basement that is mad of only bricks and wood no wall paper or paint. 2 1/2 bathrooms one in the basement and 1 1/2 up on the main floor. Has a large living room and a kitchen that is half its size the dining room makes up the other half. There is a hallway with 3 bedrooms down it and another hallway down that were the bathroom and laundry area are.
For the second house it has a lot of wide open space out-side with a bench, and a swing set. it also has a small fire pit and a small caged in area. And a lot of small trees are randomly placed though out it with a large amount of unspleat and stacked wood.

Describe the scene and action. How many people are on camera?: none but will have 1-4 hands.

How much space is needed?: likely only a small amount per shot but will use most if not all at one point or another.

Will the action be shot form one or multiple locations?: 2.

Is there off-screen space available? Yes.

What are the light levels and sources of light? how dose this impact your scene?: Therese only the lamps in the  house and the sun. it will make shoots outside unable to work well if we face the camera south cause the sun will likely be shining directly on the camera or in the eyes of the pension shooting. As for effects on the inside it should be fine for there are many lights throughout the house and it is not hard to dim them if necessary.

Are you recording sound? are there any issues to be aware off?: Yes, and we must be watchful of air-playings but it is a privet air port so it has very little traffic. There are also a lot of people that come speeding down or street at times cause they don't realize its a dead end.

Is there any special equipment needed?: No.

are there any concerns that need to be addressed about the shooting at this location?: Yes, as i said cars speed down the street so watch the road and the forest across the street should not be used for there are ticks.

Other notes:

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